
The Comparison of Java vs Python: Which Language Is Better for You?

11 Mins
Jayram Prajapati  ·   23 Sep 2024
Java vs Python comparison

Java vs Python have been around since the 1990s. Since then, they've both grown very popular. Each has a huge, loyal community. This has led to an ongoing "Python vs. Java" debate, with people often asking which one is the best programming language.

These kinds of comparisons are pretty common in software development. They help us see each language's strengths and weaknesses. This is useful for newbies choosing which language to learn first. For instance, we've looked at Python frameworks like Flask and Django before to help make those choices easier.

Even after almost 34 years, both Java and Python are still in the top 10 most popular programming languages in the world. So, let's take a closer look at each of them, see what they have to offer, and try to figure out if there's a clear winner in this ongoing Java vs. Python debate.

What is Python?

Guido van Rossum first released Python in 1991, and it is a flexible, high-level programming language. Python has easy-to-read syntax. It is dynamically typed. It uses garbage collection to manage memory. It supports various programming styles, including object-oriented, structured, and functional programming.

Python is popular for Rapid Application Development. It has built-in data structures and supports dynamic typing and binding. It is one of the most beginner-friendly languages. It helps newcomers grasp programming concepts without getting bogged down in complexity.

Python's frameworks fall into three types: Full Stack, Micro, and Asynchronous. Each serves different development needs.

What is JAVA?

Java has been a cornerstone in the programming world since its release in 1995. It is a general-purpose programming language and a platform. It quickly became a top choice for programmers and web designers. As a Java development company, we have utilized Java to build applications across various business domains. Its object-oriented nature makes it versatile for a wide range of applications. Unlike Python, Java is a compiled language, which often makes it faster in execution.

Java is a compiler language. It translates its code into machine code. This allows the CPU to execute it more quickly and efficiently. This process also provides greater control over hardware aspects like CPU usage. Other examples of compiled languages include C, C++, Rust, Go, and Haskell.

Java has extensive applications in web development, big data, and Android app development. Its popularity in cloud development and the Internet of Things (IoT) is on the rise. Java proves especially useful for large-scale web applications and microservices. It's the go-to choice for many industries, including healthcare, education, insurance, and government. Major corporations like NASA, Google, and Facebook are among those that employ Java for their applications.

Python vs. Java: Visual Comparison Based on Popularity

We have analyzed the last 5 years of data to find that people prefer Python over Java. Python has been gaining popularity due to its simplicity and readability, while Java remains a popular choice for large enterprise applications. Both technologies have their own unique strengths to stick to the industry's needs.

Python vs. Java: Visual Comparison Based on Popularity

Java vs. Python: Key Differences

Java vs Python differ in design philosophy, syntax, performance, code structure, and more. Let's break down some of the main contrasts between these two popular languages.


Python is known for its simplicity and readability. It’s designed to be concise and intuitive, making it a favorite among many developers. According to the TIOBE Index for September 2024, Python tops the list as the most popular programming language, followed by C and Java.

Java Development Kit (JDK) 22 introduces several exciting new features that enhance the language's capabilities and streamline the coding experience. One of the key additions is Scoped Values, which allow developers to associate specific data with a certain scope, improving data management within applications. Stream Gatherers bring enhancements to the Java Stream API, enabling more efficient collection and processing of data streams. To simplify concurrent programming, structured concurrency is introduced, offering constructs that help manage and coordinate tasks more effectively, reducing the complexity of multi-threaded code. Know more.


Python’s syntax is straightforward and easy to learn. As an interpreted language, it allows developers to enter commands directly into the terminal. Its syntax focuses on indentation for code structure and doesn’t require the use of curly braces {} or semicolons. Here’s a simple Python example:

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

Java’s syntax is more strict and requires more boilerplate code. It’s a compiled language, so you need to write and compile a complete program before running it. Here’s the same example in Java:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void greet(String name) {
        System.out.println("Hello, " + name + "!");

Java requires careful attention to curly brackets and semicolons. Missing or mismatching these elements will result in errors during compilation.


Java tends to be faster than Python because it's a compiled language. Java code is converted directly into machine code, which the CPU executes. Python is an interpreted language, executing code line by line. This difference gives Java an edge in speed, making it a preferred choice for enterprise software and applications.

Historically, Java was much faster than Python, but with the introduction of Python 3, the gap has narrowed significantly. However, Java still holds the advantage in scenarios where performance is critical.


Both Java and Python are object-oriented, but they handle typing differently. Java is statically typed, meaning you need to declare variable types, and type checking happens at compile time. This results in fewer runtime errors but requires more code. For example:

int number = 5;

Python is dynamically typed, meaning variables can change types, and type checking occurs at runtime. This flexibility makes Python more concise but can lead to runtime errors:

number = 5


Java is highly portable due to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java programs to run on any platform without modification. Java doesn’t require an interpreter on the host system, enhancing its portability.

Python is also portable but relies on interpreters to run on different platforms. This means Python programs can only run where an interpreter is available.


Java generally offers more robust security features than Python. It includes advanced access control and authentication mechanisms. Java also performs checks for viruses and malware during the compilation process, adding an extra layer of security.

Learning Curve

Python is often considered more beginner-friendly due to its clear, English-like syntax and fewer rules. Its dynamic typing and concise code make it easier for newcomers to learn programming. They won't get overwhelmed. Java can be tough for beginners due to its strict syntax and static typing. But it gives a strong base in programming principles. Java vs Python have strengths. The choice between them depends on a project's needs, like speed, security, and ease of use.

Code Readability and Formatting

Let's explore code examples in Java vs Python to see how they differ in terms of readability. Imagine we need to read a large text file and split it into sets of 100 lines each. Here's how you would do it in Python:

def split_file(file_name):
    with open(file_name, "r") as in_file:
        records = []
        current_set = []
        for line in in_file:
            if len(current_set) == 100:
                current_set = []
        if current_set:
        return records

And here's how you would perform the same task in Java:

List> splitFile(String filename) throws IOException {
    List> records = new ArrayList<>();
    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) {
        List currentSet = new ArrayList<>();
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (currentSet.size() == 100) {
                records.add(new ArrayList<>(currentSet));
        if (!currentSet.isEmpty()) {
        return records;

Comparing Readability One by One


Whitespace is a key element in Python's syntax, enforcing consistent indentation for defining code blocks. This makes Python code appear cleaner and more structured. In contrast, Java relies on braces {} to define code blocks and largely ignores whitespace, allowing more flexibility but sometimes leading to less uniform code.

Python's use of indentation simplifies formatting, making the code concise and reducing the chances of syntax errors. Java's structure, with explicit symbols and braces, can lead to more verbose code but allows for more flexibility in code organization.


Python tends to be more concise than Java. The Python example is shorter because it uses a simple syntax for reading and handling files. For instance, compare how the two languages handle opening and reading a file:


with open(file_name, "r") as in_file:


try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) {

Python's with statement automatically manages the file resource, whereas Java requires more setup with BufferedReader and FileReader. This simplicity is a hallmark of Python's design, making it easier to write and read.

Revisiting a Simple Example

Consider a basic task where we print numbers from 1 to 5:


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for number in numbers:


public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        for (int number : numbers) {

Both snippets accomplish the same task, but Python's approach is more straightforward and faster to write. Java requires defining the entry point main method, making it slightly more complex for simple tasks.

Java vs. Python: Use Cases and When to Use Each

Java vs Python are versatile languages used in fields like AI, game development, web development, and mobile applications. However, each has strengths in specific areas. Let's explore when to use Java and Python based on different use cases.

AI and Machine Learning

While both Java and Python can be used for AI and machine learning (ML) projects, Python is generally the preferred choice. Its simplicity and readability make writing, debugging, and testing scripts easier. Additionally, Python has a wealth of libraries tailored for AI and ML, making development more efficient. Here are some Python libraries for AI and ML:

  • TensorFlow: An open-source ML platform with a flexible ecosystem of tools and libraries for building, training, and deploying ML models. It's used in various applications, from detecting respiratory diseases to providing access to human rights information.
  • Keras: A user-friendly API designed to minimize cognitive load by reducing the number of actions needed for common use cases. It offers simple and consistent APIs, clear error messages, and comprehensive documentation.
  • Scikit-learn: A free software ML library that includes algorithms for clustering, classification, and regression. It integrates well with other scientific and numerical libraries like SciPy and NumPy.
  • Theano: A Python library for defining, evaluating, and optimizing mathematical expressions. It offers features like transparent GPU use and efficient symbolic differentiation, similar to NumPy.

Game Development

Java is often the go-to choice for game development due to its powerful frameworks and performance capabilities. Many popular mobile games, like "Minecraft" and "Asphalt 6," were developed in Java. Some notable Java game development frameworks include:

  • libGDX: A cross-platform Java game development framework that supports Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, browsers, and iOS. It provides a robust environment for rapid prototyping and doesn't impose a specific coding style.
  • jMonkeyEngine: A developer-friendly game engine with a minimalistic, code-first approach. Ideal for programmers who desire to preserve complete control over their code while employing a game engine.
  • Scikit-learn: A free software ML library that includes algorithms for clustering, classification, and regression. It integrates well with other scientific and numerical libraries like SciPy and NumPy.
  • Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL): An open-source Java library for cross-platform access to audio, graphics, and parallel computing APIs like OpenGL, OpenCL, and OpenAL. It also works with controllers such as joysticks, gamepads, and steering wheels.

There are also game development frameworks for Python, but they don't have as many modules and integrations as Java's. They can also be less stable and lack comprehensive documentation.

Web Development

Both Java vs Python are strong choices for back-end web development, but many developers lean towards Java for its speed and security.

However, Python has its own set of powerful frameworks that make web development efficient:

  • Django:A high-level Python web framework encourages rapid development and practical design. It speeds things up and keeps developers from making common security mistakes.
  • Flask: The development of web applications is made easier with this microweb framework. Companies like Pinterest and LinkedIn use it.

Java also boasts several first-class frameworks for web development

  • Spring:An application framework that simplifies Java development. It's used for creating microservices, cloud applications, web apps, and more.
  • Apache Struts: An open-source Java framework for building modern web applications. It's extensible via a plugin architecture and supports AJAX, REST, and JSON.

Mobile Applications

Java is the clear winner for mobile app development, particularly for Android apps. Java is one of Android's native languages, alongside Kotlin and C++, so developers can write Java scripts directly in the Android SDK without needing additional tools. This makes Java a more efficient choice for mobile development.

Python can be used for mobile development, but it requires additional platforms like Kivy, which come with some drawbacks:

  • Slow Startup Speed:Python apps take longer to start, especially on older devices, due to their interpreted nature.
  • APK Size: Python apps tend to be larger because they include the Python interpreter, making the minimum APK size around 7 MB.
  • Lack of Native Feel:Python mobile apps built with frameworks like Kivy have their own graphical frameworks, so they don't look or feel like standard Android apps.

Java vs. Python: Which is the Future?

Choosing between Python vs Java depends on a few key factors. If you're new to programming and want to kickstart your career as a software developer, Python might be the better option for you. It's known for its simplicity and ease of learning, making it a great choice for beginners.

If you have some programming experience and want to learn a new language, Java is a good choice. While it might take a bit more effort to learn, this dedication can pay off with a higher salary and a deeper understanding of programming concepts.

The decision also hinges on what you plan to use the language for. Both Python vs Java are versatile, object-oriented languages, but they shine in different areas. Python is great for quick development and is often used in data science, web development, and scripting. Java, with its strong performance and portability, is commonly used in enterprise applications, Android development, and large-scale systems.

Python is a quick, friendly way to learn programming. Java takes more effort to learn, but it is more powerful. It can also lead to higher pay.

The Advance Tips

  • Choose Python for AI and ML projects due to its simplicity and extensive library support.
  • Opt for Java in game development for its powerful frameworks and robust performance.
  • Go with Pythonfor rapid web development using frameworks like Django and Flask, or Java for more complex, secure web applications.
  • Stick with Java for mobile application development on Android for better performance, native integration, and a more streamlined development process.


Python vs Java both have their strengths and can be the best choice depending on the project. While Java is well-known for building native Android apps, Python excels in creating complex backends for mobile and web applications. If you're starting a new web or mobile project and can't decide between Java vs Python, it's wise to Consult with a Professional Software Developer. They can help you understand which language and frameworks will best suit your goals and requirements.

With over 15 years of experience in software development, Elightwalk Technology has a team of skilled experts proficient in both Java and Python Development. We offer a wide range of development services, covering various technologies to create web, mobile, and desktop software solutions.

We have created effective solutions for industries like eCommerce, logistics, hospitality, and more. If you're looking for a team to guide you in choosing between Python vs Java and to build or improve your digital product, get in touch with us. We'll help you find the most efficient solution tailored to your business needs.


Which is easier to learn, Java or Python?

Which language is faster, Java or Python?

What are the main use cases for Java and Python?

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Jayram Prajapati
Full Stack Developer

Jayram Prajapati brings expertise and innovation to every project he takes on. His collaborative communication style, coupled with a receptiveness to new ideas, consistently leads to successful project outcomes.

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