
What is Langchain? Why its use for AI-language applications?

9 Mins
Pravin Prajapati  ·   23 Sep 2024
what is LangChain

When you think about developing AI software, it uses a learning model, such as a large language model (LLM). The software processes data in real time, ensuring that the LLM has access to the most recent information. Even though having pre-trained knowledge can be beneficial, the ability to adapt and learn from new data is what truly sets AI software apart.

Some AI applications that use machine learning models are intelligent but limited in terms of data processing and real-time information. Pre-trained versus using a neural network differs significantly in the data science field. Artificial intelligence applications analyze data from e-commerce websites and recommend products based on user clicks. They consider context, cart items, and previous interests to inform an LLM, which then decides on additional items to display on the page.

Some platforms already have all the tools we need to develop an AI app like that. You need just experience AI developers team to upgrade your application by using this technology. Here we talk about an open-source tool, LangChain. In this article, we will discuss what LangChain is and how it works. We will also look into how AI software developers use LangChain to learn more about it.

What is LangChain?

LangChain is an open-source framework that helps developers build applications using large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or GPT-4. Essentially, it's a tool that makes it easier to connect different prompts interactively. Harrison Chase quickly transformed it from a GitHub project into a business.

LLMs can generate a complete result from a single prompt, such as "write a code" or "write a code for a specific model at the bottom of a lake." However, if you ask for something more complex, like "Give me step-by-step instructions to carve an axolotl sculpture out of wood," you'll need to guide the process step-by-step.

LangChain framework simplifies this process by organizing a sequence of prompts to procure the desired outcome. It provides an intuitive interface for developers to interact with LLMs, acting as a helpful tool to guide the model through each step.

What is LangChain Expression Language (LCEL)?

LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) is a straightforward way for engineers to connect chains easily. Engineers designed it to swiftly transition prototypes into production without requiring code changes. Benefits of LCEL:
  • Faster Results: LCEL's short time-to-first token ensures you receive the first output more quickly. For this process, tokens are sent directly from an LLM to a parser for certain chains, and small output chunks are made very quickly.
  • Flexibility: You can use chains created with LCEL in both synchronous and asynchronous scenarios, such as on a LangServe server. This allows you to use the same code for both testing and production.
  • Parallel Execution: Steps in LCEL chains can run in parallel, making it efficient for data scientists and practitioners. Easy Deployment: LangServe can quickly deploy any chain created using LCEL, making it simple to go from development to production.

What are the primary features of LangChain?

LangChain is a collection of keys that developers can utilize to create AI applications, enabling them to create programs with AI capabilities. These are LangChain's key components from a graphic perspective, these are the key components of LangChain framework. The following core parts make up these building blocks.

What are the primary features of LangChain?
  • LLM Interface: This is the means to connect your code to several language models, such as GPT-3 or Bard. It completes communication by using basic commands to achieve the desired result; there is no need to master each model's language.
  • Prompt Templates: Scripts written beforehand structure questions for LLMs. To obtain more accurate and useful responses from the models, they ensure consistent query formatting.
  • Agents: These agents take on the role of decision-maker in difficult applications. They receive user input, check their open source AI tools, and instruct the LLM to take the best action. It's like having a small AI manager in your applications.
  • Retrieval Modules: These modules help LLMs improve their answers by providing relevant facts. They encode input-output links, save them in databases, and look them up to provide the app with the most up-to-date information.
  • Memory: Memory systems let apps learn from past chats. They can then give more personalized replies. LangChain has two types of memory. The simple version restores recent chats. The more advanced one analyzes past interactions for deeper insights.
  • Callbacks: The Callbacks function as transmitters that sense the events that take place within the LangChain Bundles. They tell you the performance, log the error, and teach you how your app is going.

Why is LangChain Important?

LangChain framework is a significant advancement in NLP. It provides a new framework to integrate different language models and AI tools. This integration enables the creation of more advanced AI apps than ever before.

Customize Language Models for Specific Needs: LangChain lets you tune powerful language models for specific tasks without retraining them. You can build apps that use your data. They will generate more relevant and accurate responses. For example, you could create a tool that reads and summarizes information from your company's internal documents. Features like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) improve responses. They do this by adding new info during the process.

Streamline the AI Development Process: LangChain makes make AI Software Development easy. It simplifies data integration and model interaction tuning. With its templates and tools, developers can quickly build and customize apps. This speeds up development and makes it more user-friendly.

Access Robust Developer Support and Resources: As an open-source framework, LangChain is free to use and supported by an active community. It helps developers with open souce AI tools to connect language models to data sources. The community offers valuable help and resources. You can use LangChain's features at no extra cost.

LangChain framework connects humans and machines. It enables new AI uses in everyday tasks. It makes AI more accessible and useful for many tasks. It improves our interaction with technology.

How LangChain works

LangChain is a framework that can be used, or we can say, it is versatile, programmers could use the framework for their needs and build more advanced applications using large language models (LLMs). With LangChain, users can add one or more intermediates to complete vital information, enabling them to build applications and parallel components, either in series or in parallel. LangChain connects CLMs using multiple data sources and chains workflow components.

Create or Select a Language Model:

  • Use Pre-trained Models: GPT-3, Hugging Face, and Jurassic-1 Jumbo are some of the models that are already there, and you can go for them to get started. All of these models have been pre-trained on an extensive amount of text data. They were responsible for tasks such as question answering, translation, and text generation.
  • Train Your Own Model: Do you have specific data that you need to train your model? Next, you can teach an initiative to train a universal language model to finish the task. The procedure consists of feeding the model a large corpus of text to learn language patterns and tasks specific to your application.

Develop Applications Using LangChain:

  • LangChain includes open souce AI tools and APIs that make the connection of LLMs with data sources and the communication of the two easier. They are able to process input data and produce output. For example, chatbots are programs that can interact with users on different topics and automated content generators that can generate content.
  • LangChain supports the facilities and APIs that ease the implantation of LLMs to external data sources, treat inputs, and provide outputs. This allows for complex applications that can interact with their environment. This helps in AI Chatbot Development and automatic content generator tools.

Core Workflow: Chaining Links

LangChain framework follows the process by joining a series of parts, referred to as "links". Each link does a specific task and connects in order, with the output of each serving as the input for the next link. One approach could be taking a sequence of steps from the target system and arranging them step-by-step in the form of a package. We assume that a specific process can be expressed as a program for a computer language. Also, it could happen that this program is too lengthy.

We can envision it broken up into smaller sections with text bridging each transition between steps. Another option would be to write separate programs that interact with one another or to make the existing one more modular than it is.

Input Content Format: At the very beginning, the link will take the user input and process it to the text suited for handling it. For instance, the input could be corrected or a more precise context added.

Source Process Testing: One other link can involve fetching a file from an external source, for example, a database or API. This will give the machine its background knowledge.

LLM's Interaction: The first link is usually the main one that submits the adjusted input to the LLM, and the LLM, in turn, processes the request and produces the answer.

Output System: Finally, the last link can take the LLM's output and format or parse it if needed; for example, it can be made to be a certain format or content can be removed.

The LangChain constructs advanced operations by the process of sequential operations.

How LangChain Enhances AI Development:

Modular Workflow: To chain together small, manageable operations and, thus, LangChain can perform more complex tasks than what a single LLM query can. This modularity also makes it easier to modify or extend the workflow.

Integration with External Data: LangChain's linkable feature enables the applications to provide the users with the responses that are more accurate and relevant in the specific context. The task cannot be solved without that kind of information, whether it is actual or domain-specific.

Customization and Flexibility: The programmers are able to modify how the LLMs are used or coupled with other elements. Besides this, the input prompts can be molded, the relevant data sources can be chosen, and the output can be formed such that LangChain will be appropriate to a very wide set of applications.

LangChain has a design that is refined and it is quite a powerful tool for building advanced AI apps. It can dialog with users in an even more meaningful way, treat the complex queries. with no trouble and they can blend well in the given contexts and with the use of different data sources.

Wrap-Up: The Future of LangChain

LangChain is an AI Software Development breakthrough that enables software developers to leverage large language models such as GPT, Bard, and PaLM. LangChain can be easily integrated using these technologies. It even allows for the creation of advanced, context-aware apps for both professionals and novices.

Ceo Harrison Chase also said in an interview that the moment of the highest utility of LangChain is undoubtedly in "chatting over your documents." Apart from this, LangChain offers functions like streaming as well, which means the model will produce text token by token instead of all at once. This will make the conversation smoother and more successful. Teams will probably use LangChain to develop more applications later. As LLM use is still in the initial stages, it is necessary for frameworks such as LangChain to be in place in order to handle the existing data science challenges.

FAQs about LangChain

What is LangChain?

What’s the Difference Between LangChain and LLMs?

Who Developed LangChain?

How Does LangChain Simplify AI Development?

Which Companies Use LangChain?

How Is LangChain Different from Other AI Frameworks?

Is it Possible to Combine LangChain with Current ML and NLP Software?

Is LangChain Actively Maintained and Supported?

Pravin Prajapati
Full Stack Developer

Expert in frontend and backend development, combining creativity with sharp technical knowledge. Passionate about keeping up with industry trends, he implements cutting-edge technologies, showcasing strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail in crafting innovative solutions.