
NextJs vs React Which is Best for Your Future Project?

12 Mins
Jayram Prajapati  ·   03 Oct 2024
difference between nextjs vs react

The usage of Next Js besides React enables a server-side rendering infrastructure, automatic code splitting, and the simplification of the developer's routing process. On the other hand, React is a JavaScript library used for creating interactive user interfaces and building UI components.

Developers designed Next Js app development firm for production, making it much easier to set up server-side rendering, which in turn makes it great for building scalable apps. React, on the other hand, is powerful but it requires extra setup to achieve similar functionality without Next Js’s built-in support. This article explains the differences between Next Js vs React in detail.

What is React?

React is an open-source library created by Facebook that helps in building user interfaces, especially for web applications. Developers write their code just once and reuse it as many times as they need to anywhere and at any time they want. Developers primarily create it using JavaScript, but they can also use TypeScript. The library has been very popular and utilized mostly by developers also though some are switching to the Next Js framework for further innovative functionalities.

Key Features of React:

Let's take a look at some of the great features of react Js.

1. JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension)

JSX is a mixture of HTML and JavaScript allowing developers to integrate the JavaScript code inside the HTML tags. Babel transcribes the code to JavaScript before running it. The use of JSX in code shortens that, therefore it is easier to read the code, especially for those who are familiar with both languages, HTML and JavaScript.

const name = "Elightwalk Technology";
const ele = `Welcome to ${name}`;
2. Virtual DOM

React app uses the virtual DOM, which is a-memory version of the real DOM. When changes occur, React updates the virtual DOM first, compares it with the actual DOM and updates only changed parts. This way of working makes React faster and more efficient than traditional DOM manipulation.

3. One-way Data Binding

In React, one-way data binding is used, the data is transformed from one side of the logical component tree-the parent to the child. Child components can receive data through props, but they cannot send data back to their parents. Instead, they can communicate to request a change in state.

4. Performance

Speed is also one of the major virtues of React in addition to the virtual DOM feature. React updates only those parts of the application that really changed, thus increasing the overall performance for the web app. As a result, breaking the UI into several components, React is also speeding up the app's rendering of images.

Advantages of React:

  • Fast, Efficient, Easy to Learn: It has standard templates and functions that are available for the simple/fast development of scalable projects. It is easier to use because it requires only HTML, JavaScript, and CSS basics, unlike some other frameworks.
  • SEO Best Practices: SEO is also one of the best practices that React provides for the SEO process. It also assists SEO by enabling developers to produce a single-page application (SPA) that search engines can index, which in turn increases its visibility to search engines.
  • Write Once, Run Anywhere: You among other things can uncover new functionalities in React without reworking old code. When you execute React on a server, you can use it for server-side rendering with Node.js, or you can use React Native to build mobile apps and make the development cross-platform. Developers can use React apps multiple times.
  • Simplicity: Because developers find React's component-based architecture and JSX coding easy to understand and apply, they describe the item as HTML 5. This allows for developers to merge both JavaScript and HTML to create a great development procedure.

Limitations of React:

  • Lack of Proper Documentation: Rapid updates introduced in React and its affiliated tools like Redux frequently cause developers to be given insufficient or out-of-date documentation which they have to make do with.
  • Fast Development Speed: React's extraordinarily rapid development may be a source of frustration for developers who have to refresh their knowledge of new features and techniques almost every day.
  • JSX Complexity: Syntax does make React more powerful, yet it is nevertheless a headache to get acquainted with, particularly when the blessed user is a newbie. The mixture of HTML and JavaScript in JSX makes beginners tremble, thus bringing about a tougher learning curve.

A lot of web developers choose React for the development of modern web applications due to its efficiency, flexibility, and the growing number of libraries, however, they should also keep in mind that it is not so straightforward and they will have to keep increasing their knowledge about it. This best optimization techniques in react help in development.

What is Next Js?

Next Js is an open-source React framework by Vercel. It builds fast, SEO-optimized, production-ready apps with almost no configuration. On the contrary, in a React application, the client-side handles this process, but Next Js employs a more complicated mechanism, such as server-side rendering and static site generation, which leads to better performance and SEO. Next Js excels at web/app development and user experiences. It has features like smart bundling, hot reloading, and code splitting.

Key Features of Next Js:

Let's take a look at some of the great features of Next Js.

1. Hot Code Reloading

Hot code reloading is also called fast refresh. With this, developers can immediately follow the changes in the code and see if it is working properly or not, without restarting the whole page. This is a big plus for software developers as they can get the last-minute feedback given the real-time repose to their work.

2. Automatic Code Splitting

Next Js automatically splits the JavaScript code into smaller bits, saving load time, so that it loads only the code necessary for each page. This is because it decreases the time needed to load the whole app since the system will not upload the unused code.

3. Ecosystem Compatibility

React's combination with Next Js is a big success for the ecosystem that is both easy and compatible with Node.js. A React dev can now learn and use the other tools, as well as some new functionalities like SSR and routing with the help of Next Js.

4. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Server-side rendering which is one of the most significant features of Next Js is about pre-rendering the pages on the server instead of the client side. Removing rendering from the client side speeds up page execution. This makes pages load faster and helps search engines index your content.

5. Automatic Routing

You can neglect the router and let Next Js handle it automatically by generating routes based on the file structure inside the pages directory. No more explicit routes are needed and web apps have decent quality.

Advantages of Next Js:

  • Speed: Next Js supports both static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR). It pre-renders pages, so it skips client-side processing. This boosts the system's speed.
  • Minimal Setup: Next Js is a light-duty configuration. Its features such as page routings, code splitting, and server-side rendering come standard right out of the box, so you can get started with your development quickly and easily.
  • Custom Back-End: With the back-end functionalities that developers need, like APIs, easily nestling within the same project and bundle bundle size not ballooning for the client, the project can move smoothly to the next phase.
  • Built-In CSS Support: Next Js provides CSS as a built-in feature, which means that you can add your own stylesheets to the project without installing any other libraries or setting up any special configuration. This is particularly helpful with smaller projects, where simplicity is the main objective.

Limitations of Next Js:

  • Development and Maintenance: Building a Next Js application and keeping it up to date with the new technologies may take the expense of additional skilled developers and regular maintenance.
  • Vendor Lock-In: Next Js requires specific standards and behaviors to be followed, which could give a feeling of vendor lock-in. It may be limiting for developers if they want to specify webpack configurations in a different way; for instance, they may be able to do little to alter it.
  • Routing System: While the automatic routing system may be convenient, it makes navigation too dependent on the file structure, which creates problems, such as when users need to reuse routing or when routing logic does not remain static and changes often.
  • Irregular Community: As Next Js stands to grow, it's not able to compete with large communities either. This, in turn, can lead to difficulties in finding tutorials or solutions to specific problems, although its community is rapidly expanding.

So, Next Js is a robust framework, which is not just confined to the features offered by React (SEO and development efficiency). Instead, it is equipped with some add-ons that improve the performance of web applications and this makes it extremely attractive when it comes to investment opportunities of modern web applications.

Is Next Js Better than React?

The choice of a particular project that you are working on decides the difference between next js and react js. While each of them has their own advantages, they work to satisfy the diversified aspects of web development. Therefore, it is better to break down when each might seem like a better option.

Why Choose Next Js Over React?

1. Built-In Routing: React does not give a GOP descendant single closest routing explanation, which means that developers have to look for third-party libraries like React Router. However, Next Js comes with a default routing system that functions automatically and is easily set up. By generating routes according to the file structure, it manages the task of routing automatically and thus saves time and diminishes the need for manual setting.

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): React is a library that runs on the client-side, meaning the UI is delivered to the user by the browser. This could be a problem because the user's experience will be that their site is slower to load, which is not good for SEO. Next Js also solves this issue by enabling server-side rendering (SSR) by default, i.e. the HTML is prepared on the server as well as on the client at the same time. Thus the speed on loading is gained and the SEO is improved, because the search engines can index the full pages.

3. Static Site Generation (SSG): Next Js can use static site generation which accomplishes the pre-rendering and caching of the web pages to get better loading speed. This is best suited for the sites with the static content to improve the performance and relieve the web servers. On the other hand, React with its default layout cannot achieve this, but it needs the use of extra configurations.

4. Fullstack Capabilities: Next Js is a front-end development framework that is very versatile in that it allows one to develop both client and server-side parts together with it. The made-in API routes enable to add backend functionalities easily without the use of separate server to one. This by and large makes Next Js a better solution for front-end and back-end developmental purposes.

The Next Js framework, due to its quick static site generation and server-side rendering capabilities, is the best option for building JAMstack applications. Since it adheres well to the architecture’s goals of a quick, secure, and scalable web app, the ability of Next Js to handle the static site generation is compatible with the architecture.

When to Use React Over Next Js?

1. Client-Side Rendering (CSR): In such applications, where there is no server-side rendering needed and the low performance is not affecting the user experience, React provides the best solution. React's Virtual DOM updates the UI faster. When paired with state management libraries like Redux, it excels at creating highly interactive, dynamic UIs.

2. Complex Client-Side Logic: React’s ecosystem which includes these libraries Redux and React Router has a richer set of tools to work with this kind of complexity through the use of React's Virtual DOM Communicating with a Server. Finally, if your content needs an offline mode, here is the best place to pursue it.

3. Offline Support: If you need to run a project on your customer's devices without an internet connection, the best choice is React. Apps with service workers can cache data and continue to work even when they are not connected to the internet.

4. Large-Scale Web Applications: Like React, very complex apps with many parts. A modern app will benefit most from a well-built, well-designed infrastructure. React is preferred for its modularity and third-party libraries. They make it highly customizable and sleek.

5. Versatility and Ecosystem: React is a highly adaptable front-end library. It works with various tools and libraries, like Webpack and Babel. This lets developers control their configuration more. Its large community and docs help find tools and solutions.

Next Js vs React: Use Cases

When should I use Next Js?
  • When “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO) is done to a site
  • For static site generation (SSG) or server-side rendering (SSR).
  • When a feature is required that runs both in the front-end and back-end and is in one place.
  • For JAMstack or performance-optimized websites.
  When should I use React?
  • For SPAs construction (Single Page Applications).
  • If you want to do all things with your project and therefore do not need SSR or SSG.
  • For dynamic applications with complex user interactions and data flow.
  • If you need extra offline capabilities or real-time data updates.

Will Next Js Replace React?

Next Js will never substitute React. Rather, Next Js has a basis in React, giving the developers the multiple opportunities to build up the standard features which React - already provides. Next Js is mainly a stack that enriches React by presenting server rendering, static generation, routing, and full-stack Devo options. The goal of this technology is not to replace but to work alongside React.


Next Js is a React-based framework that is performing very well in server-side rendering, static site generation and routing, and it is popular for SEO, performance optimization, and JAMstack applications as well. On the other side, React is a front-end library whose main aim is to build interactive UI’s which are being used among customers. Mostly, we are talking about those projects which are dealing with client-side logic, dynamic updates, and offline capabilities.

It is most important to choose between the two based on your project's requirements in the end. For an out-of-the box solution with better SEO, SSR, and routing, go for NextJS development. If you need to make great client-side interfaces with a large ecosystem of tools, Hire React Developers are the better choice.

Also read: What is ReactJs Development?

Now your doubts are clear about what the difference is between react vs nextJS. Contact us to discuss about your project requirement and we help to makes you clear on which option will get your more effective output for your project.

FAQs about NextJS vs React

Main difference between React.js and Next.js is?

ReactJs vs NextJs: Which one should I use for my project?

Can Next.js be employed to build mobile apps?

Does use of Next js for development of mobile applications pose better SEO than React js?

When should I use React.js over Next.js?

When should I use Next.js over React.js?

Jayram Prajapati
Full Stack Developer

Jayram Prajapati brings expertise and innovation to every project he takes on. His collaborative communication style, coupled with a receptiveness to new ideas, consistently leads to successful project outcomes.

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