
How to Use Shopify Flow to Optimize Your Business?

Pravin Prajapati  ·   11 Jan 2024
Use of Shopify Workflow in Business

Are you looking for an easier way to manage your e-commerce business? Shopify Flow is a great automation tool that helps merchants streamline their operations and save time. In this blog post, we'll look at what Shopify Flow is, how it can help you, and how to set it up.

What is Shopify flow?

Shopify Flow is a reflexive, automated app created by the e-commerce powerhouse Shopify. It saves time and simplifies e-commerce operations for business owners. It's a powerful, cloud-based solution that quickly helps store owners visualize, predict, and manage their business.

With Shopify Flow, entrepreneurs can easily manage their online stores differently. It offers an extensive set of tools that simplify executing even complicated tasks. Shopify Flow simplifies responding quickly to customer needs, keeping up with stock levels, and accurately tracking sales and profits.

How to Create Workflows in Shopify Flow?

Configuring Shopify Flow is a user-friendly process, placing the power of automation in the hands of users with varying technical backgrounds. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to configure Shopify Flow:

  • Step:1 Access Shopify Flow: Log into your Shopify admin dashboard. Go to the "Settings." Click on "Apps and sales channels" to access Shopify Flow.

  • Step:2 Open App: Permit to open the app.

  • Step:3 Create a New Workflow: Start creating a new workflow by clicking the "Create Workflow" button.

  • Step:4 Choose a Trigger: Select a trigger that will start your workflow. This could be an order placement, inventory restocking, or a customer joining a specific group.

  • Step:5 Set Conditions: Click on output to add your condition. This could involve order values, specific products, or customer attributes.

  • Step:6 Add Actions: Choose the actions that Shopify Flow will perform once the trigger and conditions align. This might include sending emails, updating inventory, applying discounts, or other supported actions.

  • Step:7 Add Additional Conditions: Click on Otherwise to add an extra condition. It performs when your defined requirement is not fulfilled.

  • Step:8 Test the Workflow: Test workflow before launch.

  • Step:9 Activate the Workflow: Once satisfied with the configuration and testing, hit the activate button to set your workflow in motion.

  • Step:10 Monitor and Analyze: Regularly monitor the performance of your workflows. Analyze the impact on your business and adjust as needed to fine-tune for optimal efficiency.

  • Following these simple steps to create a workflow in Shopify. Do the same process again to create a new workflow for other products.

Creating a workflow by using a template

To create a workflow by using the template in Shopify workflow. It is not so complex you can make it by know Access Shopify Flow:

  • Step:1 Access Shopify Flow: Go to your Shopify admin. Click on "Settings" > "Apps and sales channels." Select "Shopify Flow."

  • Step:2 Open the App: Permit to open the app

  • Step:3 Create a Workflow: Start create new workflow by click on button "Create workflow."

  • Step:4 Browse Templates: Click "Browse templates." Choose a template that fits your needs.

  • Step:5 Install Template: Find the template that suits your product and Install it.

  • Step:6 Edit as Needed: Customize the workflow on the template according to your requirements.

  • Step:7 Edit Workflow Title: If desired, click the workflow name and edit the title.

  • Step:8 Activate the Workflow: To start using the workflow, toggle the switch from "Off" to "On" in the upper-right corner.

This is the same process for creating a simple workflow using the template. It saves your time and gives you the best output help from a designer without doing code. Implementing a ready-made template allows you to create a super workflow in minutes.

Tips to keep in mind when creating a workflow

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind while creating a workflow. These tips will help you make the best Shopify workflow. Workflow Timing: Workflows run as soon as possible, but there might be a delay between when a trigger initiates a workflow and when its actions are complete. The exact duration of this delay is not defined.

  • Orders vs. Draft Orders: Orders and draft orders are treated separately by Shopify Flow. Actions and triggers affecting rankings don't impact draft orders, and vice versa. If a draft order is converted into a hierarchy, workflows targeting orders will apply
  • Tag-related Conditions Limitation: Workflows containing conditions based on tags might not function correctly if more than 250 tags are associated with the order, product, or customer. This limitation is essential when setting up conditional logic based on tags.
  • Trigger Source: All workflows must start with a trigger from Shopify Flow or an app. This emphasizes the importance of defining a clear starting point for your workflows.
  • Asynchronous Data Population: Some fields in the GraphQL Admin API, particularly those related to orders, may be populated asynchronously. This asynchronous population may make specific data unavailable to Shopify Flow during execution. It's recommended to test workflows thoroughly before activation to ensure expected data availability.
  • Choose Triggers Wisely: When possible, choose triggers that initiate workflows based on conditions other than creating an order. For instance, instead of using the "Order created" trigger, consider using triggers like "Order risk analyzed" to base workflows on specific conditions like risk levels.

By selecting triggers that are not only dependent on order creation, such as "order risk analysis," workflows can be tailored to specific conditions, like risk levels. This allows for more flexibility and accuracy in initiating workflows within Shopify Flow. Additionally, testing workflows extensively before activation is crucial to ensuring that all expected data is available despite the asynchronous nature of the admin API related to orders.

Shopify Flow workflow components

Shopify Flow is a spark for a revolution in the e-commerce landscape, designed to liberate merchants from the time-consuming burden of manual tasks. At its core, Shopify Flow operates on a visual builder, providing an intuitive interface for users to craft tailored workflows. The trifecta of triggers, conditions, and actions forms the foundation of these workflows, allowing for unparalleled customization to align with the needs of each business.


Triggers serve as the ignition switch for workflows, responding to specific events within the Shopify ecosystem. These events range from the familiar, such as new order placement, to the more nuanced, like inventory levels hitting predefined thresholds. By setting up triggers, users can automate tasks such as sending personalized emails to customers after they make a purchase or updating inventory levels in real time.


Conditions act as the discerning gatekeepers, ensuring workflows are activated only when specific criteria are met. This level of granularity allows merchants to tailor the automation to their exact specifications. With conditions, merchants can specify the requirements that must be met for a workflow to be triggered. For example, they can set conditions such as only sending personalized emails to customers who have spent a certain amount or updating inventory levels only when a specific product is running low. This level of customization ensures that the automation is highly targeted and effective in meeting the merchant's particular needs.


Actions manifest the automated wizardry, representing the tasks executed once triggers and conditions align. Whether sending automated emails, updating inventory levels, or applying discounts, Shopify Flow ensures that the desired outcomes are achieved precisely and efficiently. Merchants can simplify their work and save time and money by making their processes more efficient. This can free up their energy and resources to concentrate on other essential tasks in their business. With Shopify Flow, companies can automate repetitive tasks while maintaining a personalized touch, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.

One of the distinguishing features of Shopify Flow is its seamless integration with various apps and services within the Shopify ecosystem. This interconnectedness extends the scope of automation beyond the basics, offering a holistic solution that addresses the multifaceted needs of modern e-commerce.

Benefits of Using Shopify Flow

Workflow automation in eCommerce is designed to streamline and enhance efficiency, offering several notable benefits for businesses operating in the online retail sphere. Here's an in-depth look at the advantages:

1. Time Efficiency:

Reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks. Workflow automation minimizes the time invested in repetitive and mundane activities. This allows your team to focus on the business's more strategic and creative aspects, contributing to overall productivity.

2. Increased Productivity:

Increase productivity by automating manual processes. The requirement for manual intervention can be eliminated through automation in various ways. This reduces the likelihood of errors and accelerates the pace of operations, leading to increased overall productivity.

3. Enhanced Customer Service:

Improve customer service by delivering quicker resolutions to customer queries and issues. Automation enables swift responses to customer queries and issues, improving customer service experience. Fast issue resolution can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Boosted Sales:

Increase sales by creating a simple process for customers to purchase more products or services with just one click. By simplifying the purchasing process through automation, customers can easily add more products or services to their cart with minimal effort. This streamlined experience can result in increased sales and higher conversion rates.

5. Improved Efficiency:

Automation streamlines the entire sales process, from order placement to fulfilment, reducing the need for manual intervention. This increased efficiency allows businesses to handle larger orders without sacrificing quality or customer satisfaction. Automating repetitive tasks can lead employees to focus on more strategic and valuable activities, ultimately leading to business growth.

How does Shopify Flow work?

Shopify helps you with various types of conditions. It uses triggers and actions to set up a sequence of steps executed automatically based on certain conditions. Here are some examples of situations when you can use workflow automation per your requirements.

By Triggers and Actions:

Triggers in Shopify Flow are the workflow starting points that initiate automated actions when a specific event occurs. Triggers are events that create a workflow. Examples include order creation, customer registration, product inventory changes, or specific time-based events. Triggers can be set up to respond to a wide range of conditions, allowing for flexibility in workflow creation.

Actions are essential for automating store operations and tasks by setting predefined conditions to fulfil them. These tasks and processes are executed automatically, which allows for increased efficiency in your e-commerce business. Actions are the tasks or changes that occur due to a trigger. These can include sending emails, updating product tags, creating discount codes, or changing the status of an order. Workflows can be made more complex by linking together multiple actions.

Creating Custom Workflows:

  • Workflow Builder: Shopify Flow provides a visual workflow builder that allows merchants to create custom workflows using a drag-and-drop interface. Merchants can choose triggers, set conditions, and define actions step-by-step.

  • Conditions: Conditions are rules that determine whether a workflow should proceed. For example, a condition might check if the order value exceeds a certain amount or if a product is out of stock. Conditions add granularity to workflows, allowing for more targeted automation.

  • Testing Workflows: Before activating a workflow, merchants can use testing features to simulate trigger events and ensure the workflow behaves as expected. This is crucial for identifying and resolving any issues before implementation.

Integrations and Third-Party Apps:

  • Connectors: Shopify Flow integrates with various third-party apps and services through connectors. Connectors bridge Shopify Flow and external applications, allowing for extended functionality. Integrating with connectors enables merchants to incorporate additional features and services into their workflows.

  • App Ecosystem: Merchants can leverage Shopify's App Store to explore and install apps that complement and enhance the capabilities of Shopify Flow. These apps can provide specialized triggers or actions, expanding the automation possibilities.

Automation in Action:

  • Event-Driven Automation: Shopify Flow's workflow is event-driven, responding to specific events or conditions rather than running on a fixed schedule. This ensures that actions are taken precisely when needed, reducing manual intervention.

  • Real-Time Updates: Automation in Shopify Flow provides real-time updates and responses to changes in the store. For example, the associated workflows can trigger immediate actions if a new order is created or inventory levels are updated.

Adaptability and Monitoring:

  • Adapting Workflows: Shopify Flow allows merchants to adjust and modify workflows as business needs change. This adaptability ensures that automation remains aligned with evolving requirements.

  • Monitoring and Reporting: Shopify Flow provides visibility into workflow execution through logs and reporting. Merchants can monitor their workflows' performance and track automated processes' success.

Shopify Flow offers flexibility and control to merchants by allowing them to make necessary adjustments to their workflows as their business evolves. Shopify Flow's monitoring and reporting features enable merchants to monitor the performance of automated processes, identify improvement areas, and make informed decisions.


Shopify Flow is a golden ray for e-commerce, automating tasks through customizable workflows. Its user-friendly interface suits all technical levels, making automation accessible. Triggers, conditions, and actions drive its flexibility, tailoring lessons to specific business needs. This automation tool allows businesses to streamline operations and save valuable time and resources. Shopify Flow will enable merchants to automate workflows, such as notifications, inventory updates, and discounts, enhancing efficiency and process optimization.

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Elightwalk is an experienced company that provides high-quality software solutions. Contact Us for a free consultation, and let us help you optimize your e-commerce store's performance and user experience.

FAQs about Shopify Workflow

How do I set up a workflow in Shopify Flow?

What actions can I perform in a Shopify Flow workflow?

How do I automate tasks in Shopify Flow?

How can I use Shopify Flow to improve customer service?

How do I troubleshoot a workflow in Shopify Flow?

What does Shopify Flow include?

Pravin Prajapati
Full Stack Developer

Expert in frontend and backend development, combining creativity with sharp technical knowledge. Passionate about keeping up with industry trends, he implements cutting-edge technologies, showcasing strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail in crafting innovative solutions.

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