Best practices for styling in react

The best practices for styling in React

React is the most popular in the front-end development community. Creating an attractive and organized user interface in React requires careful attention to styling. Proper styling improves the overall design and contributes to a better user experience. However, the many styling options can be overwhelming, making choosing the most suitable approach challenging.

In this blog, we will explore the best practices for styling in React, aiming to simplify your design process and enable you to craft impressive interfaces for your projects. From CSS-in-JS libraries to CSS modules, we will cover all the fundamentals to help you improve your styling techniques in React. Join us as we delve into the details and discover how to style your React components with expertise!

Why choose React?

React is the go-to choice for front-end development, and here's why it's so popular:

  • Easy dynamic app creation: React simplifies the creation of dynamic web applications with less coding and more functionality than JavaScript, which can quickly become complex.
  • Improved performance: React uses Virtual DOM, making web applications faster by updating only the changed items in the Real DOM, unlike traditional applications that update all components.
  • Reusable components: React's building blocks, called components, can be reused throughout an application, reducing development time significantly.
  • Unidirectional data flow: React's data flow moves in one direction, making debugging errors easier and identifying where issues occur in the application.
  • Slight learning curve: React is easy to learn, combining basic HTML and JavaScript concepts with helpful additions. However, like any tool, time is necessary to understand React's library.
  • Versatility for web and mobile apps: React is not limited to web applications; React Native, a framework derived from React, is widely used for creating mobile applications.
  • Dedicated debugging tools: Facebook provides a Chrome extension for debugging React applications, making the process faster and easier.

These factors make React widely adopted by organizations and businesses, justifying its popularity.

Why is styling always important in React?

While React is superb at building functional and successful user interfaces, it doesn't inherently style them. That's where you come in, the developer with the vision to turn bare functionalities into aesthetically pleasing and intuitive experiences. Here's why styling deserves careful attention in React:

1. User Experience: First and foremost, styling impacts how users interact with your application. Proper styling guides users through the interface, highlighting essential elements, differentiating functionalities, and making the overall experience intuitive and enjoyable. Poor or inconsistent styling can confuse users, hinder navigation, and ultimately drive them away.

2. Brand Identity: Consistent and well-chosen styles communicate your brand personality and values. Colors, fonts, and layouts speak volumes about your brand, conveying professionalism, trustworthiness, or any desired image. Consistent styling creates a cohesive brand experience, diluting your message and weakening user trust.

3. Accessibility: Good styling promotes accessibility, ensuring your interface is usable by everyone, regardless of abilities. This includes choosing color palettes with high contrast, using appropriate font sizes and weights, and incorporating clear visual cues for interactive elements. Neglecting accessibility not only excludes users but also violates legal and ethical standards.

4. Maintainability: Well-structured and organized styles are easier to understand, maintain, and update. Using conventions and naming schemes allows you and other developers to navigate the codebase efficiently, minimizing the risk of unintended changes and facilitating future modifications. Messy, scattered styles create a maintenance nightmare, slowing development and increasing bug potential.

5. SEO: While primarily about content, visual appearance can also indirectly impact SEO. Search engines consider user engagement and dwell time as ranking factors. An aesthetically pleasing and intuitive interface encourages users to stay longer and interact more, potentially improving your search engine ranking.

Styling in React goes beyond making things look pretty. It's about shaping the user experience, communicating your brand, ensuring accessibility, promoting maintainability, and even influencing SEO.

Best practices for styling in React

Well-crafted designs and layouts are the symbols of a highly skilled developer. Who is experienced and aware of using the right technology in styling to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. The correct styling methods and clear code make your website smooth and attractive for users. Here, we have shown you the best practices for using React.js styling.

Use CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks improve web development by providing standardized styling solutions. Developers can apply CSS through external stylesheets or inline styling within React, with external stylesheets separating style logic from components for cleaner code. CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Material-UI, and Tailwind CSS offer pre-built components and styling options for the streamlined development of visually appealing user interfaces.

Despite the advantages offered by CSS frameworks, developers must adhere to certain best practices to ensure optimal usage and maintainability:

  • Selective Import: Only import the CSS framework's necessary parts to minimize the application's bundle size. This practice helps in reducing unnecessary overhead and contributes to a more efficient loading process.
  • Style Overrides: It's common for developers to override default styles provided by the framework to align the visual appearance with the specific design requirements of the application. This ensures that the application maintains its unique identity while benefiting from the foundational components provided by the framework.
  • Avoid Inline Styles with Frameworks: While inline styling is a viable option in React, it's advisable to refrain from using inline styles when employing CSS frameworks. Mixing inline styles with the framework's predefined styles can lead to conflicts, making it challenging to maintain visual consistency and troubleshoot styling issues.

By following these best practices, developers can use CSS frameworks to speed up development without sacrificing maintainability, visual consistency, or code organization. This strategic method allows for the creation of web applications that are visually appealing, scalable, and easier to manage in the long run.

Component-based styling

Component-based styling in React development boosts modularity and simplifies styling logic management. CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components and Emotion enable developers to define styles directly within components, providing advantages such as clear and concise organization.

  • Modularity: By encapsulating styles within the component, each element becomes a self-contained unit with its styling logic. This modularity facilitates more manageable maintenance and modification of techniques without affecting other application parts.
  • Readability: Component-based styling enhances code readability by correlating a component and its associated styles. Developers can easily comprehend the styling decisions made for a specific component, promoting a more straightforward understanding of the codebase.
  • Scoped Styles: CSS-in-JS libraries automatically generate scoped styles for each component, preventing global style conflicts. This scoped styling ensures that styles defined in one component do not inadvertently impact the styling of other components, contributing to a more isolated and manageable styling environment.
  • Dynamic Styling: These libraries often enable dynamic styling based on component state or props, allowing for more responsive and interactive user interfaces. Styles can be adapted dynamically, providing a seamless and efficient way to handle various states and user interactions.
  • Consistent Theming: CSS-in-JS libraries often come with built-in theming capabilities, allowing developers to maintain a consistent design language throughout the application. Theming ensures that styling choices, such as colors and typography, adhere to a predefined and cohesive design system.

Using CSS-in-JS libraries such as styled components or Emotion, developers can write more readable, modular, and maintainable code by implementing a component-based styling approach. This methodology aligns well with the component-based architecture of React, contributing to a more efficient and enjoyable development experience.

React responsive designs

To provide the best possible user experience on various devices and screen sizes, a React application must incorporate responsive design. Responsive design ensures that components adjust their layout and appearance dynamically, providing a visually pleasing presentation on devices ranging from desktops to tablets and smartphones.

  • Flexible Layout Techniques: Responsive design involves using flexible layout techniques, such as fluid grids and flexible images, to ensure the content can adapt proportionally to the available screen space. This flexibility is essential for accommodating varying screen sizes and orientations.
  • Media Queries: Media queries are a fundamental aspect of responsive design. They allow developers to apply specific styles based on the device's characteristics, such as screen width, height, or resolution. Developers can use media queries to create a tailored user experience for different devices.
  • Viewport Meta Tag: Setting the viewport meta tag is crucial for responsive design. It enables developers to control the width and scaling of the viewport, ensuring that the content renders appropriately on different devices. This tag is significant for addressing issues related to mobile responsiveness.
  • CSS Frameworks with Responsive Features: CSS frameworks incorporating responsive design features can expedite development. Many frameworks, such as Bootstrap and Material-UI, come with built-in components and utilities designed to support responsiveness, allowing developers to create adaptive layouts more efficiently.
  • Conditional Rendering: React's ability for conditional rendering is valuable in achieving responsiveness. Developers can conditionally render components or styles based on certain conditions, such as the screen size or device type.

React developers use principles and techniques to create applications that adapt to diverse devices, ensuring a consistent, visually appealing experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Theming for Consistency

Integrating theming into your React application is a strategic approach to establishing a cohesive and uniform visual identity. By defining a centralized theme, developers can enforce a consistent design language, including a unified colour palette, typography choices, and stylistic elements throughout all components. This contributes significantly to creating a seamless and professional user experience.

Key aspects and benefits of implementing theming for consistency in a React application include:

  • Unified Visual Identity: The application maintains a unified visual identity by defining a standardized theme, including colours, fonts, and other stylistic attributes. This ensures that every component adheres to the same design principles, fostering a harmonious and cohesive user interface.
  • Customization and Reusability: Theming facilitates easy customization of the application's appearance. Developers can create themes to cater to diverse branding requirements or user preferences. Additionally, a well-structured theming system promotes the reusability of components across projects, ensuring a consistent look and feel even when building different applications.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Implementing theming fosters collaboration among designers and developers. Designers can define and communicate design guidelines through the theme, providing an apparent reference for developers to implement consistent styling. This collaborative workflow reduces ambiguity and promotes a shared understanding of the application's visual direction.
  • Responsive Design Integration: Theming seamlessly integrates with responsive design principles. Developers can define responsive styling within the theme, ensuring the application adapts cohesively to various screen sizes and devices while maintaining a consistent visual language.

Themeing in a React application expands user experience by providing a consistent visual identity, streamlining development, fostering collaboration, and maintaining a polished appearance across all components.

Use Flexbox and Grid for Layouts

By utilising React's Flexbox and Grid features, organizing and aligning items within your components may be done with strength and efficiency. As CSS layout approaches, Flexbox and Grid let developers make responsive designs, making it easier to construct adaptable and aesthetically pleasing interfaces that work well across various screen sizes.

  • Flexbox for Simplified One-Dimensional Layouts: Flexbox is particularly effective for one-dimensional layouts, such as rows or columns. Developers can easily manage child elements' alignment, distribution, and order by employing Flexbox properties on parent containers. This simplifies creating flexible and adaptive layouts without complex calculations or additional positioning.
  • Grid for Two-Dimensional Layouts: Grid is a powerful tool for managing two-dimensional layouts, allowing precise control over rows and columns. With Grid, developers can define a grid container and position elements within specific grid areas. This capability is handy for creating intricate and organized layouts, such as those in complex dashboards or grid-based interfaces.
  • Efficient Space Distribution: Flexbox and Grid distribute space efficiently, adapting to the content within the layout. This dynamic distribution is most valuable when dealing with variable content lengths or accommodating different amounts of data in various application sections.
  • Nested Layouts and Component Organization: Flexbox and Grid are conducive to creating nested layouts, enabling developers to organize components within components. This hierarchical structuring aids in maintaining a modular and organized codebase, enhancing readability and making it easier to manage complex UI structures.
  • Alignment and Justification Controls: Flexbox and Grid provide granular control over alignment and justification, allowing developers to position elements within the layout precisely. This level of control ensures that the visual presentation aligns with the design specifications and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the application.

Flexbox and Grid in React for layouts are powerful strategies for building responsive and visually appealing user interfaces. These CSS layout techniques provide flexibility, efficiency, and control, allowing developers to create adaptive designs that seamlessly adjust to varying screen sizes while maintaining a well-organized and visually cohesive presentation.

CSS Modules for Local Scope in React

CSS modules give a modular and scoped approach to styling by encapsulating classes within each element, guaranteeing that each component maintains its unique style attributes without unintentionally affecting other parts of the code. In addition to improving code maintainability, this method reduces the likelihood of accidental side effects.

Critical aspects of using CSS modules for local scope in React include:

  • Isolation of styles: CSS modules enable the isolation of styles at the component level. Each component can have its own set of techniques, defined locally, encapsulated and not exposed globally. This isolation prevents style leakage and minimizes the chances of unintended clashes with styles from other components.
  • Scoped Class Names: With CSS modules, class names become locally scoped to the component they belong to. This means that class names are unique within the context of a specific element, reducing the risk of naming conflicts across different parts of the application. Developers can use descriptive class names without the concern of global namespace collisions.
  • Modular and Maintainable Code: Adopting CSS Modules promotes modularity in styling, aligning well with React's component-based architecture. Developers can easily manage and maintain styles specific to each component, enhancing code organization and readability. Changes to one component's classes do not affect others, contributing to a more predictable and maintainable codebase.
  • Reduced Side Effects: The local scope provided by CSS Modules significantly reduces the likelihood of unintended side effects in the styling of other components. Developers can make updates or modify styles within a piece without causing unintended changes elsewhere in the application, leading to a more stable and predictable development experience.
  • Dynamic Class Names: CSS Modules often support dynamic class names, allowing developers to generate unique names based on specific conditions or props. This dynamic nature enhances the flexibility of styling, especially in dynamic or data-driven components.

CSS Modules for local scope in React is a practical approach to styling that aligns with the component-based architecture. It promotes isolation, modularity, and maintainability, fostering a development environment where styles are contained within their intended components, reducing the risk of conflicts and unintended consequences.


So, here are six methods to use in styling in React. Regular practice and use of each technique help to improve your development skills and project outputs. With React's popularity as a front-end framework, developers can access many styling options and best practices to create visually appealing and user-friendly project for the best and fastest development results.

Our experienced development team are focused on the proper practices of various technologies to improve development skills. Elightwalk always inspires teams to stay to the technology, find new ways to make development easy, and provide proper user-friendly projects to clients.

Jayram Prajapati
Full Stack Developer

Jayram Prajapati brings expertise and innovation to every project he takes on. His collaborative communication style, coupled with a receptiveness to new ideas, consistently leads to successful project outcomes.

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