
Magento 2 - Customer Restricted

Magento 2 Customer Restricted

Our comprehensive tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for the installation of Magento 2 Customer Restricted, facilitating a seamless extension installation process. Please adhere to our systematic procedure for installing Magento 2 Customer Restricted on your Magento store.

Installation Process

Manage Token

You can see package token on style Elightwalk by signing in to your account once you have completed the checkout process from Elightwalk. You can see using the following link Token


composer require elightwalk/magento2-customer-restricted
php bin/magento module:enable Elightwalk_CustomerRestricted
php bin/magento module:enable Elightwalk_Core
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento c:c
php bin/magento c:f

Configuration Path

Stores => Setting => Configuration => Elightwalk => Customer Restricted


  • Module Enable : Module Enable then we will get all the functionality of this module.
  • Restricted Mode : Enable then user will redirect to the login page.
  • Allow Guest Show Product Price : If set to "No" Guest customer cannot see the price of the product on the category and product page. And if it is set to "Yes" Guest customer can see the product price.
  • Allow Login Button : Guest customer will not be able to add product into cart and customer will be redirected to login page.
  • Checkout Disable for Guest : Guest customer is not allowed to checkout.
  • If the checkout disable for guest is set to “Yes” , guest customers cannot see the “Proceed to Checkout” button and instead they will see a “Sign in” button.


This extension assists your online store to allow/disallow guest customers to access some of your online store pages.

You can prevent your guest customers from accessing some of your online store pages without registering into your store as a customer and also hide the prices of products from guest customers.

This extension gives you access to several useful features and functionalities, including the ability to enable or deny access to category pages for your guest customers.


  • If the module is enabled and the user is not logged in, the user will be redirected to the login page.
  • If the module is enabled and the user is already logged in, then the user can view the price of all the products.
  • The user cannot see the product's price if the module is enabled and the guest price is not enabled.