
Magento 2 Product Labels

Magento 2 Product Labels

Increase your particular product visibility and drive sales with the Magento 2 Product Labels extension. Stand out from competitors and attract more customers with visually appealing labels that draw attention to the product. Easily promote the product as a sale, new arrival, or stock limitations-related attractive labels.

Try this extension in your store and discover how your customers can run to your product and boost sales.

Installation Process

Manage Token

You can see package token on style Elightwalk by signing in to your account once you have completed the checkout process from Elightwalk. You can see using the following link Token

How to install the Elightwalk Marketing Banner?

Install the Module using Composer:

composer require elightwalk/magento2-product-label
php bin/magento module:enable Elightwalk_ProductLabel
php bin/magento module:enable Elightwalk_Core
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento c:c
php bin/magento c:f

Configuration Path:

Follow the path: Stores → Setting → Configuration → Elightwalk → Product Label and Enable It.


Status: Activate or deactivate the label.

Label: Name of the label.

Image: Upload/select an image for the label.

Priority: Sets precedence when multiple labels apply.

From/To Date: Defines the label’s active period.

Display On: Choose where the label appears (e.g., product pages, category pages).

Enable Cron: Automates label activation/deactivation via scheduled tasks.

Save Stores the configuration.


Design Section:

Text Color/Background Color: Define the colors for the label's text and background.

Position: Select where the label appears (e.g., left, right, top, bottom).

Product Page Width/Height: Dimensions for the label on product pages.

Width/Height: Overall dimensions of the label.

Label Shape: Choose the shape (e.g., circle, rectangle).

Conditions Section:

Store View: Specify which store views the label will be visible (e.g., Main Website, Spanish store).

Customer Groups: Choose the customer groups that can see the label (e.g., General, Wholesale, Not Logged In).