
PWA Customer Restricted

PWA Customer Restricted

To successfully install the PWA Customer Restricted add-on on your E-commerce store, you must follow our detailed step-by-step installation instructions.

By following the steps in our installation guide, you should have no trouble installing the pwa Customer Restricted extension.

This Pwa plugin will allow you to restrict unregistered visitors from accessing certain parts of your website. You can hide category pages, checkout pages, product pricing, login buttons, and other elements.

Purchase the Extension

Follow the steps below to install Venia Customer Restricted:

Step 1: Purchase Customer Restricted Extension

Purchase this Extension to improve website security and user experience: Magento - Customer Restricted

If you already purchased then follow the installation guide: Customer Restricted

Step 2: Purchase PWA Restricted Extension

Purchase this Extension to improve website security and user experience: Venia - Customer Restricted

If you already purchased extension then use following link: Downloadable Products

Installation Process

To create this extension you have to follow below steps

Step 1: Upload Folder

In your root directory of PWA, upload the @elightwalk/customer_restricted folder.

Step 2: Add Link in Dependencies

Add link to your extension in dependencies inside the package.json file of PWA root

"dependencies": { 
       "@elightwalk/customer_restricted": "link:./@elightwalk/customer_restricted" 

Step 3: Add Trusted Vendors in PWA

Add Trusted Vendors to your extension in PWA root inside the package.json file of Pwa root

"pwa-studio": {
         "trusted-vendors": ["@elightwalk"],

Step 4: PWA Root Commands

Fire below commands in your terminal

yarn install
yarn build